Norris School District

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Technology Department » Clever Login Instructions

Clever Login Instructions

The easiest way to get logged into Clever and use their portal to allow for single sign-on is to to to be logged into your Chrome Browser and have your account synchronized.  This will allow the Clever extension to be installed in Chrome automatically.
(If you are using you are doing this on your home computer, you should consider making a new Chrome Profile before completing these steps to help keep your accounts separated)
If you are currently logged in and sychronozing, you should see is something like this where the sync icon is green and you already have the Clever extension installed.  If this is the case skip down to step 3.
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If your screen looks more like this 
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then you are not currently synchronizing and you will need to follow the steps below:
1. Start by clicking the "Turn on Sync..." then click the "Link data" button.
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2. And then click "Yes, I'm in"
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3. Now that you have the Clever extension installed, you can go to the Clever portal, or the "C" in the top right hand corner and then find and select any of the schools in the district. 
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4. And now click "Log in with Google" and if prompted sign in with your Norris email account. 
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Once you are in Clever you will see a list of websites you have access to.

In most cases, both students and teachers will then be taken to the site and logged in automatically. In a few cases where individual passwords have been assigned ahead of time, such as ConnectEd for teachers, you will be prompted to enter your credentials the first time and Clever will then store that information so you won’t need to enter it the next time.

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